Hygiene and maximum cleanliness of the rooms have always been very important and today they are even more important. This is why we are also working on training all hotel staff to offer you the best service.


Before your arrival, we sanitize the room with Clean Vapor Junior which eliminates bacteria, mold, viruses and bad smells: when you will get in the room, you will be surrounded by a feeling of extreme cleanliness.

To sanitize floors and hard surfaces we use alcohol-based cleaners. We pay particular attention to the cleaning of remote controls, buttons and handles on doors and windows, wardrobes and showers. All staff on the floors use protective devices in accordance with the law.


We clean all common areas several times during the day with alcohol-based detergents, paying particular attention to handles, buttons and shelves.

In all theenvironments you will find the columns with the Sanitizing Gel dispenser to always have clean and sanitized hands.

Furthermore, in order to ensure a peaceful and safe stay at our hotel, kind customers are invited to:

  • stay at  home in the presence of temperature (over 37.5 °) or other flu symptoms, and in that case call your GP or PLS;
  • stay at home if you have been in contact with people positive to the virus in the 14 days prior to the start of your stay at our facility;
  • send, better by email (, all the information necessary for registration, as well as a copy of the identity document, which you will be asked to present at the reception at the time of your arrival;
  • in case of multiple bookings (families or groups, etc.), indicate to the Management the group leader or the head of the family, who will be the only contact for the check-in and check-out procedure and for all other needs for information at the reception.

Thanks for the attention. We remain available for all the explanations you need!